Thursday, April 22, 2010

13 things I like about taking public transit

1. I don't have to worry about getting tired

2. don't have a car payment or insurance

3. I get to enjoy spending time with my family

4. Meeting new people, because a STRANGER is a FRIEND you never met

5. Seeing new things we would like to visit, like the clay and glass museum.

6. Teaching our children about timing and routing with maps and schedules

7. We enjoy visiting friends and family via our transits

8. We often have packed snacks and enjoyed healthy snacks on the bus

9. Just taking the bus around town only costs $34 a month for hubby and me each...

10. The kids have their own tickets and love to put the ticket in the box and get their transfer

11. The city is going to put a Rapid trans in and that will make it even more effective to get around from our connecting cities too ...

12. The drivers for the most part are helpful and friendly

13. The number one reason I like taking the Transit is sharing God's perfect and pleasing word for us!!!!!!!


  1. Nice list. I take the bus sometimes when hubby needs the car after work.
    For's the entertainment value. There are some interesting people on the bus. There is one that yells at people to sit down/move to the back if they stand talking to the bus driver.

  2. I grew up on public transportation. Everyone sued it because it was a big city.

    Have a great Thursday!

  3. I have only been on public transportation a couple of times in my life. I live in a rural area and there are no buses. If I were to move to a city, someone would have to teach me how to use a bus!

  4. Great list. My husband used to take the bus or the train into NY City from Toms River everyday for work and he loved it so much better then driving - he could rest to and from and didn't have to get in that crazy traffic. Happy TT! Mine's up over at

  5. Great list. It is great for getting around! Sometime a lot easier then driving.

    Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great day♥
