Thursday, December 16, 2010

Go train will come to kitchener

Yeah the go train will be coming to kitchener soon and I got a flyer that came from our MPP I am going to contact him cause he said i could.
I travel to Toronto regularly and having the train would be awesome.


John Milloy Mpp has an article regarding the new service information...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blessings while Travelling

I call this one blessing while traveling because sometimes taking the bus is so much harder because of the circumstance not that the bus ride is actually the problem

I and the kiddos were travelling home from downtown and we stopped at our Favourite Patty shop. I bought the kids each a Jamacian Patty to hold them over till we got home, because i would have heard on the bus in front of everyone I'm hungry. And on the bus a struggle is watched and judges by everyone around you. I could rabbit trail right now but will choose not to...

I bought Arrianna an apple juice and the boys shared an orange pop whatever it was a treat in a lapse of attention to what they choose. Then we headed to the bus stop on the corner by speakers corner down town and waited for our bus to come. Arrianna was eating her patty when her un-opened juice slipped out of her arms and the lid cracked off, it was like one of those slow motion times where you see it happening but can't stop it... she grabbed it and then started to cry not realizing it was actually still pretty full because her reaction time was faster than mine.

She cried I am so sorry mommy I know you don't have much money and I dropped it, i am so sorry. I gave her a hug and showed her look it's ok mommy isn't mad it was an accident. She started to look and calmed down and then a guy came out by and handed her an apple juice and said he overheard and saw what had happened. Arrianna lit up and I said thank you so much this made my day... She yelled out "Mommy he blessed me" then the man crossed the street and a couple minutes later our bus came and all was well ....

Our circumstance changed.

A couple stops down the man got on and Arrianna smiled

Thursday, April 22, 2010

13 things I like about taking public transit

1. I don't have to worry about getting tired

2. don't have a car payment or insurance

3. I get to enjoy spending time with my family

4. Meeting new people, because a STRANGER is a FRIEND you never met

5. Seeing new things we would like to visit, like the clay and glass museum.

6. Teaching our children about timing and routing with maps and schedules

7. We enjoy visiting friends and family via our transits

8. We often have packed snacks and enjoyed healthy snacks on the bus

9. Just taking the bus around town only costs $34 a month for hubby and me each...

10. The kids have their own tickets and love to put the ticket in the box and get their transfer

11. The city is going to put a Rapid trans in and that will make it even more effective to get around from our connecting cities too ...

12. The drivers for the most part are helpful and friendly

13. The number one reason I like taking the Transit is sharing God's perfect and pleasing word for us!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Me and my bro when we were young....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Part of Our Region

What are our Options for the Future?

The first step of the evaluation process considered two main strategic alternatives:

1. The Road Oriented Plan represents a continuation of the current trends of road
expansion with about four per cent of trips being made using transit.

2. The Transit Oriented Plan with Strategic Road Improvements includes a balance
of investment between road and transit improvements. New transit improvements
would build on and support the rapid transit system and strategic road
improvements would support transit and goods movement and address areas of
major demand where required.

These two options were screened against a series of criteria that reflect the goals of the Regional Transportation Master Plan. The results are shown in the table below.
Criteria Road Oriented Plan Transit Oriented Plan with
Strategic Road Improvements

• Consistent with Places to Grow,

Regional Official Plan

• Optimize the Transportation System

• Promote Transportation Choice

• Foster a Strong Economy

• Support Sustainable Development

The Transit Oriented Plan with Strategic Road Improvements was carried forward as it
met all the criteria. Three alternative networks were then developed that feature the
Council approved rapid transit system and include increasing conventional transit
service across the region and strategic road improvements. All three alternatives
include strategic road improvements to either support the transit system or provide
capacity where required to address operational issues.
Description of Transit Network Alternatives:

Alternative A - High Frequency, High Transfer Network:
• Most bus routes provide service every 10 minutes or better by 2031.
• Most routes feed into the rapid transit system.
• Provides direct bus service to the rapid transit route.
• The percentage of trips using transit is expected to increase to 6% in 2016, 6.5%
in 2021 and 8.3% in 2031.

Alternative B - Medium Frequency, Low Transfer Network:

• Some routes provide less frequent service compared to Alternative A, but many
more routes are then able to provide service every five minutes or better.

• More cross regional routes and more direct routes that reduce the need for
passengers to transfer from one route to another.

• More express routes.

• Provides more attractive service for transit trips in the suburban areas.

• The percentage of trips using transit is expected to increase to 6% in 2016, 6.9%
in 2021 and 13.8% in 2031.

Alternative C - High Frequency, Low Transfer Network:

• Improves on the previous network by increasing the number of routes with
service every five minutes or better.

• Provides some routes parallel to the rapid transit system with stops closer
together to attract riders that are beyond a convenient walking distance of a rapid
transit station.

• Additional routes could be implemented in the later years of the plan as the rapid
transit system matures.

• The percentage of trips using transit is expected to increase to 6% in 2016, 13%
in 2021 and 17.3% in 2031.

Friday, April 16, 2010

P.A. Day fun

Today was so much fun, we took the bus to a friends place in the next city over.

The bus called the I Xpress which will one day be replaced by a Rapid trans (I hope). next post will be about the pro's to our city getting a train.

For today though we got up at a decent time and went to the chiro and then got some bagels for the kids they thouroughly loved picking them fresh from Rise N Shine ( they cook them daily ) you pay yourself on the honor system (their was a guy cooking but not paying too close attention to us!) I tasted from the kids picks but since i am trying to lose weight did not eat a whole one (thats equal to 4 slices of bread). Yikes !!!!

We took 5 buses when we counted in total. They were really good today lined up well, some days are frustrating if you don't meet your conection on time and that explains why so many rather drive. I sometimes wish I had a car but most of the time I am content with taking the bus.
We like having a snack on the bus and a nap too.
We are enjoying the bus to the market and the one that connects to the other cities for one price now too. The kids are even learning the stops and the names and numbers of the buses. I grew up on the public transportation and we had a car too... we knew all the subway lines and there stop names in grade school.

I want the kids to know how to get around, so they can get jobs and not be nervous on the transit as well as be street smart.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

1 cab, 2 buses, 1 train return trip, and 2 more buses and we are home !!!!!!

Today was awesome we got up early and headed 1st in a cab at 7am and woke up friends by accident of course,

Then we got on our bus and headed to the uptown loop where we eventually met up with the friends we woke up lol

The special guest was ...

The Littleman all pooped out or should i say chugged out....

Monday, March 22, 2010

TO MARKET TO MARKET ~ No fat pig though

So I woke up Saturday and decided that I was in the mood for a good day... it was early...

I got my hubby on the idea and we got everyone ready that is the 5 bambinos we have.

We got on the GRT with our bus passes and headed to the Maximized Living Chiropractor and got adjusted, all of us of course and then we got on the GRT again and headed to the Mennonite Country and the Market. Yes the GRT goes to the country now.

We bought fresh fruit and vegetables because we are following the Max plan for 2 weeks to lose pounds quick. We also took the kids to see the ponies and the live stock you can buy for your farm. They were thrilled since we live in the urban parts you know lol .

The bus drivers were so cool too that we had today that makes for a good trip too, I told them where we were headed in the begining and the 1st one blessed us with an extended transfer for the kids because they don't yet have a bus pass for the kids only highschool kids which is not cheap like mine and hubbies because we qualify for a reduced pass because we work and have kids and are not on Welfare let me know in comments if you need more info on this service or click this link
If you want info on my maximized living plan click

Questions regarding bus service let me know or go to

Sunday, January 31, 2010

To work to home and about town

I travel on the G.R.T daily with my kids to church and to work, we go to the Chiropractor in the early morning before a majority of my friends are even awake and then we drop Arrianna off to school and sometimes Ke too next year Jewy will go to, but i think they learn most life lessons while one the Bus... so i have decided to blog my stories get advice and hopefully other riders may comment on how they deal with certain situations or even learn from...

If people would like to know how to bus anywhere just message me, it is somewhat convenient to get around here not as good as Toronto where i grew up but its a service that we could not otherwise get around and I take part in making it better by communicating with supervisors if necessary. No one is perfect and I try to remember this when traveling.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wheelchair vs Walker

So yesterday my sis and I were heading on the bus to do some shopping she had her double stroller with a 3month old and a 22 month old. we got on and there was a lady and a man beside her with a walker. Another lady had a 6month old in a single stroller and we just fit with her so the lady started talking to my sister about having to move her stroller down the aisle and when we refused she pointed to a sign that explained in the event that the bus was busy strollers should be folded and moved from the aisle. I said "that the bus wasn't crowded and that if she moved her walker over we could fit easier and that we would move around when we got to the next transfer site... she immediately became hostile and said the she deserved to have her walker with her and that is didn't have to move anywhere and that she wasn't going to move it...
When we got to the next station i noticed a wheelchair waiting to board and moved the other stroller and my sisters over so that there was more than enough space for passengers to board and the lady then refused to cooperate with us and wouldn't remove her walker so the wheelchair passenger could board. Mobility Plus bus is available for wheelchair passengers but must be arranged 2 days in advance. So the boy in the wheelchair was forced to wait 1/2 hr for the next bus, because the driver was not going to argue with the stubborn lady...
So in this round the lady wins but i will be calling the costumer service and asking them to change the policy on walkers. They should be folded and or moved so that the wheelchair could of fit.
Another side note is if you have bags and want an extra seat pay for one or let moms with newborns in slings sit down...